Round table organized by the RG „Europe”
Different epistemologies of imperial domination resonate in contemporary notions of Europe: the ‚colonial divide‘ between Europe and its ‚external others‘, the marginalization of socialist modernity or the monopolizing effects of EU-integration on visions about the continent’s shape, borders and future are just three such epistemic traditions that configure Europe as a political project and object of knowledge. I would like to center my intervention around the question of how we can do anthropological research on Europe and Europeanization without reproducing these epistemologies and their hierarchical effects. For that purpose, I will propose an analytical approach that aims at examining Europe as a heterogenous, multiple and uncompleted formation by applying a twofold analytical move: foregrounding Europe as an object of critical study in order to simultaneously decenter it through an explicit focus on its global entanglements and imperial „world-making projects“, on its internal frictions and margins.