A Conversation with Deniz Yonucu, Newcastle University
This event is based on Deniz Yonucu’s recently published book Police, Provocation, Politics: Counterinsurgency in Istanbul. (Cornell University Press, 2022). In it she presents a counterintuitive analysis of contemporary policing practices, focusing particular attention on the incitement of counterviolence, perpetual conflict, and ethnosectarian discord by the state security apparatus. Shedding light on counterinsurgency’s affect-and-emotion-generating divisive techniques and urban dimensions, the book shows how counterinsurgent policing strategies work to intervene in the organization of political dissent in a way that both counters existing alignments among dissident populations and prevents emergent ones. Drawing on her insights into these forms of urban policing in Istanbul, we would like to discuss how they are situated in the global historical context and in which ways they provide a background to the authoritarian state politics we are witnessing in Turkey today.
Deniz Yonucu is Lecturer in Sociology at the School of Geography, Politics and Sociology, Newcastle University. She received her PhD in Social Anthropology from Cornell University in 2014. She holds two MA degrees in Social Sciences from the University of Chicago and in Sociology from Bogazici University. Her teaching and research interests lie at the intersection of political and legal anthropology and urban studies, with a focus on the Middle East. She is a co-founder and co-convenor of the Anthropology of Surveillance Network (ANSUR).
The event is co-organised by the Department of Anthropology and Cultural Research and the Research Group Soft Authoritarianisms.
To register please send an email to: xiaoling@uni-bremen.de