Demo­graph­ic Pan­ics and the Vio­lence of Soft Authoritarianism


Time: 18:00 – 20:00

Loca­tion: Uni­ver­si­ty of Bremen

Addi­tion­al event info: Dis­cus­sants: Prof. Dr. Shali­ni Ran­de­ria, Prof. Dr. Klaus Schlichte & Prof. Dr. Michael Flitner

Prof. Dr. Shali­ni Ran­de­ria | Wien, Genf, Bremen

Prof. Dr. Michael Flit­ner | Bremen

Prof. Dr. Klaus Schlichte | Bremen

The lec­ture will address the pol­i­tics of demo­graph­ic pan­ics which we are cur­rent­ly observ­ing across the globe and which are entan­gled with geo-polit­i­cal inter­ests and the increas­ing strength of eth­no-nation­al identities.

Kon­tra­punk­te: Wis­senschaft im Wider­spruch #1

Pub­lic lec­ture – Uni­ver­si­ty of Bremen


Hagen SoftAuthoritarianisms