S06E07: Yehou­da Shen­hav-Shahra­bani on Israel: Democ­ra­cy on the Defensive

This episode explores what kind of democ­ra­cy is being defend­ed in Israel today. Who are the sup­port­ers of the rul­ing coali­tion and what explains the pop­u­lar appeal of the right-wing par­ties? Lis­ten to a dis­cus­sion with a wide his­tor­i­cal con­text about the present polit­i­cal cri­sis, which many schol­ars have called a con­sti­tu­tion­al coup. 

Guests fea­tured in this episode:

 Yehou­da Shen­hav-Shahra­bani is a Senior Research Fel­low at the Van Leer Insti­tute, Jerusalem, and Pro­fes­sor Emer­i­tus of Soci­ol­o­gy at Tel Aviv Uni­ver­si­ty. Shen­hav-Shahra­bani has taught at Stan­ford, Prince­ton and Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ties, among oth­ers. He is the edi­tor-in-chief of Van Leer’s “Mak­toob” series of trans­la­tions from Ara­bic, and the edi­tor-in-chief of the “The­o­ry and Crit­i­cism in Con­text” series. He was head of advanced stud­ies at Van Leer and edit­ed its jour­nal, “The­o­ry and Crit­i­cism.” He also chaired the Horowitz Insti­tute for Social Research and is cur­rent­ly a mem­ber of the Sci­en­tif­ic Com­mit­tee of the Nantes Insti­tute for Advanced Study in France.

His Eng­lish lan­guage books include “The Arab Jews” (2006) and “Beyond the Two State Solu­tion” (2012). Born in an Iraqi-Jew­ish fam­i­ly, Yehou­da is one of the founders of the Mizrahi Demo­c­ra­t­ic Rain­bow Coali­tion, an extra-par­lia­men­tary move­ment which has sought to chal­lenge the eth­nic struc­ture of Israeli society.


Shalini Randeria

Shalini Randeria is Rector and President of the Central European University (Vienna/Budapest). Before, she was Professor of Social Anthropology and Sociology at the Graduate Institute Geneva, and Rector of the Institute of Human Sciences (IWM) in Vienna from 2014 to 2021. She has published widely on the anthropology of globalisation, law, the state and social movements. Her empirical research on India also addresses issues of post-coloniality and multiple modernities.