Soft Author­i­tar­i­an­ism, a con­cept that appears con­tra­dic­to­ry, aims to cap­ture the cur­rent fuzzi­ness of democ­ra­cies slid­ing into author­i­tar­i­an rule the world over. For­mal elec­tions bol­ster the pow­er of strong­men, majori­tar­i­an democ­ra­cies under­mine the rights of minori­ties, the rule of law is hol­lowed out using the con­sti­tu­tion, and dis­cours­es of free­dom of expres­sion are deployed to dis­man­tle fun­da­men­tal human rights.

Our Research Group stud­ies in com­par­a­tive per­spec­tive the flu­id and flex­i­ble polit­i­cal, juridi­cal, social and dis­cur­sive con­fig­u­ra­tions which blur the line between demo­c­ra­t­ic and author­i­tar­i­an prac­tices of rule. It exam­ines how soft author­i­tar­i­anisms of var­i­ous vari­eties are estab­lished and con­test­ed in dif­fer­ent con­texts. How are these new forms of rule legit­imized dis­cur­sive­ly, imple­ment­ed insti­tu­tion­al­ly? How are respon­si­bil­i­ties and account­abil­i­ty watered down, pow­er cen­tral­ized and its trans­fer imped­ed? What forms of mobi­liza­tion and action by cit­i­zens attempt to stem the slow and sys­tem­at­ic ero­sion of lib­er­al demo­c­ra­t­ic insti­tu­tions? In what ways has the Covid-19 pan­dem­ic exac­er­bat­ed author­i­tar­i­an ten­den­cies and are they here to stay?

Our four con­trastive case stud­ies link­ing ethnog­ra­phy with dis­course analy­sis and doc­u­men­tary research focus on Poland, France, India, and Turkey/​the Turk­ish-Euro­pean diaspora.

S09E09: Stephen Walt on the Return of Trump (Part 1)

Shali­ni Ran­de­ria13. Novem­ber 202441:39

This episode exam­ines the fac­tors which led to Don­ald Trump’s deci­sive vic­to­ry in the recent U.S. elec­tion. Did the Har­ris campaign’s insis­tence on issues of iden­ti­ty, rights, and democ­ra­cy overshadow…

Brazil between the first and sec­ond rounds of gen­er­al elections

Ricar­do Pagliu­so Regatieri18. Octo­ber 20228 min read

On Octo­ber 2, Brazil­ians went to the bal­lots to vote for pres­i­dent, state gov­er­nors, sen­a­tors, as well as fed­er­al and state rep­re­sen­ta­tives. In the pres­i­den­tial race, the cen­ter-left-wing for­mer president…

The Future Mel­oni Gov­ern­ment and the Long Drift of Ital­ian Democracy

Adri­ano Coz­zoli­no11. Octo­ber 202211 min read

“Rome wasn’t build in a day” – and nei­ther is a rad­i­cal right-wing gov­ern­ment like the one now form­ing in Italy fol­low­ing the elec­tions held in Sep­tem­ber 2022. The result…

Zwis­chen Apathie und Hoffnung

Ulrike Flad­er14. Decem­ber 20218 min read

Zum „san­ften“ Autori­taris­mus in der Türkei. Die strate­gis­che und flex­i­ble Ver­flech­tung von demokratis­chen und nicht-demokratis­chen Prak­tiken ist ein Charak­terzug ‚san­fter‘ For­men autoritär­er Regierung. Ein Ver­ständ­nis von der Pro­duk­tion von Affek­ten wie…

Intro­duc­ing Pod­cast Series: Democ­ra­cy in Question

S09E09: Stephen Walt on the Return of Trump (Part 1)

13. Novem­ber 202441:39

This episode exam­ines the fac­tors which led to Don­ald Trump’s deci­sive vic­to­ry in the recent U.S. elec­tion. Did the Har­ris campaign’s insis­tence on issues of iden­ti­ty, rights, and democ­ra­cy overshadow…

S09E08: Johan­na Lutz on Iden­ti­ty, Par­ti­san­ship, and the Vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties of Democracy 

23. Octo­ber 202444:10

This episode explores advances made by the far-right in Aus­tria and in Ger­many and exam­ines cru­cial fac­tors raised by Lutz’s recent report on iden­ti­ty, par­ti­san­ship and polar­iza­tion. What are the…

S09E07: Raimund Löw on the Dither­ing Aus­tri­an Democracy 

9. Octo­ber 202442:25

This episode explores the recent nation­al elec­tions in Aus­tria and the vic­to­ry of a rad­i­cal right-wing par­ty. How is this devel­op­ment sit­u­at­ed with­in the EU’s broad­er shift to the right?…

S09E06: Julia Ebn­er on How Extrem­ism Threat­ens Democ­ra­cy (Part 2)

25. Sep­tem­ber 202434:07

This episode focus­es on the main­stream­ing of rad­i­cal pol­i­tics and how extrem­ist ide­olo­gies gain a foothold. How can demo­c­ra­t­ic prac­tice respond to a trend toward polar­iza­tion and desta­bi­liza­tion of liberal…

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